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Strengthen Your Body and Immune System

Healthy Lifestyle Stand and Move

Health (physical, mental, social) is well-being. It allows you to feel good, work, study, achieve life goals, to solve everyday problems. For most people, one of the primary goals in life is to preserve health. And not only that, health can improve.

Health is not just the absence of disease. It conditions by various factors.

It weakens and strengthens - depending on the influences between the organism and the environment. Maintaining health is a process that lasts and requires your commitment: to appreciate your body and the opportunities it provides you.

Healthy habits allow all components of health is maintained in balance and make a healthy lifestyle.


1. Regular physical activity and moderate exercise - a prerequisite of health

What happens in the body while you exercise?

When your body moves, breath speeds up, and your heart pumps blood faster. Then you get more oxygen, which reaches all the cells of the body. The body uses oxygen to create the energy it needs to perform all functions. The more active you are, the more oxygen you provide to your cells.

Physical activity encourages endurance of the body and keeps it more resistant. It prevents obesity and maintains a healthy body weight. Exercise with a healthy diet, enough sleep, rest, and the sunlight is a crucial way to restore the body's energy.

All types of sports are suitable, group and individual, recreational or professional.

And while working in the office at home try to move or stand or use Standing Desk.


2. Rest and sleep

Lack of sleep and rest can hurt your physical and mental abilities. If you do not have enough sleep and rest, there will be a drop in concentration, nervousness, stress, and impaired immunity.

Children need 12 to 16 hours of sleep, depending on age. Teenagers and adolescents need 10 to 12 hours of sleep. 7 to 9 hours of sleep and rest are enough for adults and older people.

It is necessary to consider the needs of each person individually.


3. Significance of healthy diet

A healthy diet involves that foods should be well and wisely selected, suitably combined, prepared in the right way, and taken in several meals during the day.

Principles of a healthy diet:

  • Rationality - there should be a balance between the amount of food you eat and the amount of food your body consumes for different processes (maintenance of optimal body temperature, work internal organs, physical activity). Deviation from this balance leads to obesity or malnutrition.
  • Balance - the rule is that your daily menu should be the optimal amount of different nutrients.
  • Variety - your daily menu should consist of different foods (fruits, vegetables, meat, legumes, dairy products).
  • Meal evenness - the rule is to eat more meals during the day (preferably five), with less food. Doctors especially warn of the danger of skipping or omitting breakfast.

Also, a sufficient intake of fluids, mainly water (minimum 2 liters per day), as well as an optimal intake of vitamins, proteins, fats, and minerals, is crucial.

4. Avoid stress

Stress leads to physical and health changes, such as psychosomatic diseases (stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, allergies, migraines), indigestion, weight disorders (weight gain or loss), less resistance to disease, insomnia.

How to avoid stress:

  • use the energy created during stress reactions positively (recreational sports),
  • analyze the personal situations in which you find yourself,
  • bring tension and relaxation into a harmonious balance,
  • self-create ways to relax to overcome stress,
  • prevent the harmful effects of stress on your body,
  • choose your methods, practice them, and apply them specifically in the given situations

Consider taking Vitamin D, B-complex and Zinc. Sun exposure is great also. 

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